Fast Forward to Fifty

I love to travel. I know some people who love to travel, but I LOVE to travel. I love to dream about a trip. I love to plan a trip. The day before we leave is my least favorite day of the process…It’s always a little stressful. I love to hop in the car and pull out of the drive way and get on the road.

I am also a map nerd!

Around 2003 or 2004, Brent and I made a travel goal for our family. We wanted our kids to see all 50 states before they graduated from high school. We were not sure how to make that happen, but the idea was put into place.

In January of 2004, Elizabeth was 5 and Jonathan was 3. By this point, they had been to New Mexico and California (to see family) and a road trip to Florida to visit Disney (picking up Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama on the way). Elizabeth had also been to Colorado and Arizona before Jonathan was born.

Everyone was so excited in this picture!

So…we began our 50 states journey. In July 2004, we were planning on attending a family reunion in Sedona, Arizona. We decided to take the “scenic route” from southeast Texas to Sedona by way of Mount Rushmore. Just think about that for a minute. That is a looonnnggg way out of the way. But we did it…and learned many things (good and bad) along the way. 10 days….11 states….4,620 miles. (New states: Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Arizona).

On July 26, 2015, we stepped off a cruise ship in Ketchikan, Alaska…State number 50 for Brent, Elizabeth, Jonathan and me. Alaska was number 43 for Timothy. This was the summer before Elizabeth’s senior year of high school.

Ketchikan, Alaska and the partial completion of a goal! 🙂

This month, we are travelling north to complete Timothy’s 50 states….Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Friends and family have been asking me for years to explain how I plan vacations. Now is the time! Who is with me??


They just don’t understand!!

Here we are on our 2014 vacation and something I learned very quickly is customs agents and border patrol officers just don’t get us and what we are trying to accomplish in our travels. Yes…we don’t travel like other people. We know that. Here is how the conversation went with the Canadian customs agent in Calgary.

Note: We are thankful for those people who work to protect our borders. We do not want this to come across as disrespectful at all. We appreciate the job they do, but we can tell that most people don’t answer their questions the way we do.

CCA: Welcome to Calgary. What’s the purpose of your trip here? image
K: We are on a family vacation.
CCA: How long are you staying in Canada?
K: We are driving to Montana today.
CCA: So….how long are you staying in Canada?
K: A few hours. But we are coming back to Canada next week.

His look didn’t share our enthusiasm. :-/

A few hours later we drove through one of the most beautiful US/ Canada border crossings ever (outside of Waterton Lakes, Alberta). Here was that conversation:

USBP: I need your passports and I need you to roll down the back window.
K: Here you go.
USBP: How long have you been in Canada?
K: We flew into Calgary this morning.image
USBP: How long have you been in Canada?
K: Our flight landed at 10am. (By this time it was about 6:00)
USBP: And we are you headed?
K: We are going to drive through Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, back up through Montana. We will then return to Canada to fly home.
USBP: (looks confused) Why didn’t you just fly into Montana?
K: Calgary had many more flight options and much better prices (actually, since we fly with miles, it was a great option).

He didn’t look impressed. :-/

Yes…we might fly to a place that seems out of the way and make travel plans that seem illogical, but that’s what makes our family unique…or at least our family’s slightly crazy travel coordinator.

PS: Sometime I’ll have to write about the Canadian border agent in Ontario who couldn’t understand why we would go back into Buffalo, NY just to eat Buffalo wings. 😉

Confession of a Wrapping Paper Snob!

Ok…yes….I admit it.  I am a wrapping paper snob.  That’s a weird thing to be snobby about I know.  Let me explain….

My first job as a sixteen year old teenage girl was working in the gift wrap department of Joske’s.  (You have to be a long time resident of Texas to remember Joske’s).  After working at Joske’s for one year, the department store chain was purchased by Dillards, which many more of you are familiar with.  At Dillards, I continued to work in gift wrap and customer service.  Joske’s and Dillards had good wrapping paper, very good wrapping paper.  So, it was way back in the 80’s that I developed my love for quality wrapping paper.

Now let’s jump to 2013 and why I am writing about wrapping paper….

Here is a trick I use, that you might like too!  Hobby Lobby has the best wrapping paper.  And, it’s usually on sale every week this time of the of year.  Hobby Lobby paper is good because it is nice and thick. It creases well and it has grid lines on the back.  I love me some grid lines!  It makes for very straight cutting lines.

wrapping paperSo….I buy Christmas paper every year at Hobby Lobby, but that’s not all.  I buy paper for the entire year too.  Hobby Lobby always has papers which work well for birthdays through out the year.  Here is what I bought this week at Hobby Lobby….

The paper on the left is snowflake paper…obviously for Christmas.  The color coordinates with the leftover paper I have from last year.  Wrapping paper under the tree must coordinate, right?

girl paperBoy paperI also bought paper I can use for girls throughout out the year and different paper for boys.  For the girls, I bought a nice ribbon I can make into bows to adorn the package.  For the boys I bought various colors of curling ribbon that I can add to any package.

In the past I have bought black and white paper that I could use for any gift, but this year I decided to get fancy!  At my Hobby Lobby they had really cute zebra print paper.  I was tempted to get it, but I left it for you!  😉

Now I just need to buy presents to wrap in this good, quality paper.  Well, that’s a problem for another day.

Are you snobby about something crazy like me????

Making Chores Less of a Chore!

I know…I know…It’s like I fell off the face of the earth. 🙁  So much for my “Getting organized September.”  I do have one more organizational tip I want to share with you before I begin blogging about planning my vacation and walking you through planning yours!  🙂

What my living room looks like right now  :(

What my living room looks like right now 🙁

Another area where my life needs organization is in getting basic chores completed around my home and making sure my children pitch in and do the chores they need to do to make this household run a little more smoothly.

I have a system I use for my chores and one I use for the kids.

First…It’s all about ME!  Well, it’s actually about what I need to get done.  I should start by saying that I have a Tuesday/Thursday job.  On those days I get everyone off to school, go to school myself, take care of everyone in the afternoon and cook dinner.  I am thankful to accomplish those things on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but nothing else gets done!

For the rest of the work week, I have a schedule I follow of what to do when (and in my perfect world, it actually all happens!).

  • On Mondays, I dust and vacuum downstairs and do my grocery shopping at Kroger.  I also wash socks and underwear and jeans.  (For a complete breakdown on my laundry system see
  • On Wednesdays, I go to lady’s Bible study at church, deep clean the kitchen and wash delicates.  I also grocery shop at Sprouts.
  • On Fridays, I clean the downstairs bathrooms and wash sheets and towels.  I also wash darks and lights after Joe Jack gets home from school with his athletics uniform.

I usually have more time on Fridays than other days.  So I have an extra job I try to complete each Friday

  • 1st Friday — clean out the master closet and the closet under the stairs
  • 2nd Friday — work on the craft area upstairs
  • 3rd Friday — Shred documents and filing
  • 4th Friday — Clean the fridge, freezer and laundry room

That gets everything taken care of downstairs each month.

This week's to dos

This week’s to dos

To do notebook inside cover

To do notebook inside cover

I also keep a notebook of to do lists.  I am a list kind of girl.  I love the thrill of crossing things off the list.  I always start with the daily chores and add what ever else needs to be done including phone calls, emails and Facebook messages.  I started a new notebook on the first day of school.  I can go back through out the year and check when certain things happened.

The kids chore lists

The kids chore lists

Now for the kids….

I have created a chore chart for the kids that I print out each week that lets them know what should be done each day.  Here is the file: Weekly Chores List Excel.  I can change it up each week if I need to, but I usually leave it the same.  I hang the lists up on the fridge so everyone knows where they are.


The kid's baskets

The kid’s baskets

Also, for my kids, I have “baskets” that I keep at the bottom of the stairs. As I go around the house during the day, I put the items that belong to them in their basket.  (There have been days when I have to switch out their small basket for a laundry basket!) Part of their daily chores is to empty the basket.  I rarely put anything away that belongs to them.  The baskets are also super easy to throw in a closet if company is coming!  🙂

That’s how I attempt to keep my housekeeping under control.  What tricks do you have?

September — Why Laundry Doesn’t Overwhelm Me!

As I continue the with my theme of organization this month, I would like to share my system for laundry.  I read and hear about so many families who struggle with laundry….countless stories of clean laundry piled on couches, in favorite chairs, and on beds.  On my worst laundry days, I may have one basket of clothes that need to be dealt with.  Here is what I do…

My current dirty clothes sorting using specifically labeled baskets.

My current dirty clothes sorting using specifically labeled baskets.


My old laundry system with bags and stands

My old laundry system with bags and stands

First, I have an organized dirty clothes sorting system.  For years, I used mesh laundry bags on pvc pipe stands.  Each bag was for a different type of laundry.  Now, I have laundry baskets specifically labeled for each type of clothes.  I do have a great sized laundry room now, but even in other homes when I didn’t, I have always found a place to organize my dirty clothes.


s uw pj laundry

My basket for socks, undies and pjs

Second, I have a very specific laundry schedule.  Here is what I launder and when….

  • Monday — A load of socks, undies and pjs and a load of jeans and denim
  • Wednesday — A load of delicate darks and a load of delicate lights. These are items that I always wash in cold water and hang or lay flat to dry.  Most of these clothes are Emily’s or mine.
  • Friday (during the day) — sheets and towels.  With my sheets, I have 2 sets.  As soon as I get up on Friday mornings, I thrown last weeks dirty sheets in the washer.  The sheets currently on the bed get taken off and stored in a basket for the week.  This way I get freshly laundered sheets on my bed and not ones sitting in a cabinet all week.  Plus, I don’t have to fold a fitted sheet which I can’t do any way!  😉
  • Friday (after school / weekend) — A load of regular lights and a load of regular darks.  (In all honesty, I would rather not do any laundry on the weekend, but when JoeJack comes home with gym clothes that need to be cleaned and returned on Monday, I have little flexibility.  I usually get those loads started as soon as he comes home Friday afternoon).

That covers everything I wash week after week.  Of course “special circumstances” arrive from time to time and I deal with those as needed.

The benefits of having a specific washing schedule….

  1. I know everything gets washed every week.
  2. The family knows what day to expect laundry.
  3. It helps me provide specific laundry related chores for my kids (I will cover kids chores on my next blog)
  4. Laundry is never an all day, overwhelming task!

But, probably the greatest laundry help is what I do after the clothes are washed!


Clothes ready for Skywalkah, JoeJack and Emily to put away.

I hang up 90% of the clean clothes in my house.  Almost everything goes directly from the dryer to a hanger to a closet.  The only clothes in my home that are folded and stored in drawer are: socks, undies, pjs, swimsuits and grungy clothes used for dirty projects.  I have hung up every article of clothing of my kids since I brought them home from the hospital.  (Actually, before they were born, I had all the new clothes hung and waiting for them to grow into.)

I made a one-time investment in hangers.  Sweetums and I have white, Emily has girl colors, JoeJack has dark blue and dark green, and Skywalkah uses yellow hangers.  For some reason I can’t explain, I hang all of Sweetums’ pants and jeans on black hangers.  My crazy self is a little bothered about the fact that Emily and JoeJack’s hangers are not all one color.  I guess I can live with it since they stay in their closet and not mine.  🙂

So my typical laundry routine is…wash, dry, immediately hang up.  But, let’s all be honest here. We all know that sometimes the dryer buzzer goes off and we “can’t hear” it.  So, I throw a damp, clean washcloth in with the clothes and run the load again!

The only items that get thrown in a basket to deal with are the items not hung.  I will be honest, there are some weeks where members of the family are digging through the basket for clean socks, but I’m ok with that!  😉

I know some people feel like kids should do their own laundry.  That doesn’t work in my house.  I do, however, make my older kids responsible for certain loads at certain times.  I want to make sure they know how to use the washer and dryer.

Now if I could only get a handle on all those non-school papers in my house…..

What is your best laundry tip?


September — Organizing a Meal Plan

Now that school is back in session, I am going to return to being more intentional about meal planning.  Eating out is one of my family’s greatest temptations.  We can spend tons of money really quickly if we aren’t careful.  I would much rather save my money and spend it on traveling!  I have a system that really helps us…it’s not perfect, but it does help.

Menu Calendar

September Menu

I create a monthly meal calendar…

I started by creating a list of every meal that we eat.  This list does change since we are trying new recipes often.  The list as of today includes….

  • Beef and potato hash
  • Breakfast
  • Burgers
  • Burritos
  • Carbonara
  • Carne Guisada
  • Chicken Georgia
  • Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Chicken Thighs with Creamy Spinach
  • Chicken with Mustard Sauce
  • Chili
  • Chili with Baked Potatoes
  • Colossal Club Sandwiches
  • Eggs Florentine
  • Enchiladas
  • Fettuccine Alfredo (Actually Penne Alfredo)
  • Fish
  • Gourmet Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Jambalaya
  • Mexican Stacks
  • Orzo and Sausage
  • “Perfect Chicken”
  • Philly Cheese Steak
  • Pizza (Homemade)
  • Pizza Rolls (Spinach/Garlic and/or Pepperoni)
  • Pork Tenderloin
  • Red Beans and Rice
  • Roast Chicken
  • Sausage with Hash Browns and Warm Tomatoes
  • Shell Pasta with Rotisserie Chicken & Basil
  • Skillet Lasagna
  • Spaghetti
  • Spicy Shrimp over Angel Hair Pasta
  • Spinach and Cheese Stuffed Chicken
  • Steak
  • Stew
  • Tortillas Soup

Then I include these sides:

  • Roasted Asparagus
  • Parmesan Zucchini
  • Sautéed Spinach
  • Homemade Mac n Cheese
  • Spanish Rice
  • Cilantro Rice (or Basil Rice)
  • Garlic Mashed Potatoes
  • Salsa
  • Caprese Salad
  • Homemade French Fries
  • Green Beans
  • Corn on the Cob
  • Au Gratin Potatoes
  • Broccoli with Cheese
  • Bakes Potatoes
  • Plain Rice

Next, I print out a calendar for the month.  I print mine from iCal on my Mac.  It prints with all the activities we have planned for the month.  In the past I have used just generic calendars I found on the internet.

I decide which meal of each week we will eat out.  Right now, we are trying to limit eating out once a week.

Then I just start filling in meals from the list.  I know which meals take more time and which days of the week I have more time to cook…and which meals are quick and easy for those nights we don’t have much time.

Then I am set…..Each week I can make a grocery list for the meals I have planned.  I can watch for proteins on special since I know what we are having for the month and what types of meat I need for my list of meals in general.  If I see a good deal on proteins, I can freeze them and have them ready for an upcoming meal.

Perfect Chicken

Tonight’s Meal…”Perfect Chicken”, Roasted Asparagus and Homemade French Fries…Yummy!

I always write on my calendar in pencil so that we I need to move meals around, I can do so easily.

This system works really well for me.  What system do you use for meal planning?



September — Getting it all Together!

September is here.  Whether we are ready or not, life falls into more of a routine than our crazy summer.  It doesn’t take much time at all for me to get overwhelmed with everything that is being thrown my way.  Although I am completely ready to begin planning next year’s vacation, I’ve got to get a handle on things at home first.

Papers Skywalkah brought home this week

Papers Skywalkah brought home this week

I cannot control most of my paperwork.  It is one of my greatest sources of stress in my home.  There is one area, though, that I have a great system of organization….school papers.  I want to share it with you!  This system works incredibly well whether your child is home schooled, two and just starting Mother’s Day Out or 15 and beginning 10th grade.  I have been doing this for 12 years!

Note: if this doesn’t apply to you in this season of your life, please pass it on to someone who can use it.  🙂

You know the scenario, school is over for the day and your kids come home with papers….math, art, awards, etc, etc, etc.  What do you do with it all?

Here is what to do…

My school drawers

My school drawers

Buy an under the bed box for each child and find a convenient place to store them.  (Under the bed boxes even hold 12×18 masterpieces created on manilla paper.)  To be completely honest, I use a small drawer system that is in the closet under the starts that we refer to as “The Closet.”

Everyday when the papers come home, I take them from the backpack, look through them, discuss anything that needs to be discussed and throw them in the drawer.  (I also include awards, programs, testing information, Bible class papers, etc.)  Done…Finished…until the end of the year.  🙂

Now, here’s the disclaimer, the end of the year takes a little work.  But, it’s a one time job!

Piles sorted by subject

Piles sorted by subject

After school is finished and everything has come home, I clear a spot on the floor or on the dining room table and begin sorting.  For a preschool child, you might have piles such as colors, shapes, numbers, letters, name writing, artwork, etc.  For Skywalkah (1st grade last year) I had math, reading, language arts, writing, science, social studies, art, and awards.  For JoeJack (6th grade year) I had math, science, reading/language arts, world cultures, orchestra, and awards.  For Emily (9th grade year) I had English, Latin, Biology, Geometry, World Geography, choir and awards.

Once the piles are sorted I go through each pile.  I am looking for specific items:

  • The best artwork from the year
  • Spelling tests from the beginning and end to see a progression of ability
  • Handwritten papers from each subject, not Xeroxed papers
  • Timed math skills
  • Journals
  • Notes from the teachers
  • Anything else that is special when compared to the entire pile.
File boxes filled with the best papers

File boxes filled with the best papers


Accordion files by year

Accordion files by year

Those chosen papers go in a file.  Everything else goes into the recycle pile and is gone from my house.  I buy translucent file boxes and legal sized according files from Office Depot.  I use one file per year and the box will hold several years worth of treasures.



Why is this a great way to organize school papers?

  1. It allows you and your child a chance to review the year to see how they have grow and changed.  Warning:  If your child likes to keep everything, do this before school gets out or when they are away.  When Emily was little, she would have been crushed that I was throwing away anything.
  2. It puts all assignments in perspective.  When each paper comes home you might think, “this is the best thing I ever saw,” but as you compare it to the entire year you can really tell what is worth keeping and how they’ve progressed.
  3. If for some reason you need to find a paper from the year, you know exactly where to look.  I wish I could say that about all my paperwork.  🙁
  4. If you home school, you have the items you need for your yearly portfolio.
  5. It works for schoolwork, Bible class creations and artwork made at home.

I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me. 🙂

How do you organize the other paperwork in your house?

Creating Travel Goals…Yes, Everyone Needs Them!

Creating travel goals is the most important step to make when you are ready to plan amazing vacations for your family.  What are you wanting to accomplish in your travels in this season of your life?

PennsylvaniaI really don’t remember the first time Sweetums and I talked about visiting all 50 states with our children.  I can’t remember a time, since we’ve been married, that I didn’t think about it.

Maybe visiting all the states seems like a crazy goal to you…maybe it’s something you could care less about.  Maybe vacation to you is staying in one place for a week.  But…what do you care about when it comes to travel?  Could it be you want to…

  • Spend time relaxing on as many different tropical beaches as possibleIMG_2654
  • Ski every slope in the lower 48
  • Visit every National Park
  • Visit every church your congregation supports
  • Shop in as many quilt stores as you can find
  • Visit every Harley Davidson dealership in the world
  • Stay at every Disney Resort
  • Participate in as many medical missions across the world as you can
  • Visit every country from where your ancestors came
  • Visit every state park in TexasIMG_2655
  • Visit every major league ballpark
  • Ride America’s top 20 roller coasters
  • Shop at every outlet mall in the South
  • Eat your way across America’s major cities
  • Visit every Civil War/American Revolutionary War battleground

The list is endless.  But, you need to stop and think about what you would like to accomplish in your life in your travels.

Next, these goals will probably need to change over your lifetime.  When you stop to look at your life stage or “season” right now, where are you?

  • College
  • Single
  • Married and DINKS (Double Income No Kids)
  • Married with young children
  • Married with older children
  • Empty Nesters
  • Retired
  • Widow/Widower
  • Single Again
  • Tight financial resources
  • Comfortable financially
  • An abundance of resources

As you move in and out of each of these life stages, you can re-evaluate your travel goals.

Sometimes the movement from one life stage to another is gradual and expected, but sometimes it is abrupt.  Even when you are forced into a new season of life you didn’t ask for, you can make the most of it in your travels.

Take for example, my Aunt J.  Almost 4 years ago, my Uncle D passed away unexpectedly.  Aunt J never asked to be in this situation.  She did make and act on a new travel goal, though.  She went on a Medical Mission trip with her daughter to Kenya.  It was an incredible experience for her!

Don’t let life pass you by without a plan.  Be intentional!  Don’t wake up one day and wonder where your life went and why you never made meaningful memories with those you love and care about.

What are your travel goals?  It’s not too late to make some today!  🙂

Organizing the Chaos, Part 3….A Customizable Packing List

One thing that drives me crazy on a trip is forgetting something.  I know, when you travel domestically, that there is a Target or Walmart almost everywhere where you can purchase forgotten items, but I don’t want to spend money on something I already have at home.

We have traveled many times but I just came up with this very simple, but extremely effective, chart system for our vacation we took this June.  I don’t know why it took me so long.

I wanted a way to remember everything I needed to pack for each of us, so I created this chart in my vacation notes….

Packing List

As you can see from the list, I have a row for every category needed for each of us.  As I packed, I had everyone’s suitcase in my room.  When I was certain each item was packed in the suitcase, I would check it off.  After everything for a particular person was packed, I circled their name.  My older kids, who can pack their own suitcases, could compare what they packed with my master list.  I was confident when we left that we all had what we needed.  That is a great feeling!

Emily liked the concept so much that she made her own check list when she and JoeJack went to church camp….


I like her addition of a smiley face when the packing was complete!  🙂

I did make an excel spreadsheet that I will customize for future use.  Here is the file if you want to use it too.  Packing List  The first sheet is the packing list for clothing and shoes.  The second is for other items you don’t want to forget.  You could also include toiletries, and actually, I will add that next time too!  🙂

How do you make sure you remember everything you need for your trips?

By the way…..I would love to have you subscribe to my blog!  🙂





Organizing the Chaos, Part 2…My Suitcase

I hope you enjoyed, and are able to use, my last packing tip…managing the items your kids need on a trip.

In this post, I will tell how I pack clothes for Sweetums, the older kids and me.

I will start by saying that this takes a little more investment than a bag of ziplock bags.  I use, and highly recommend, Eagle Creek’s Packing System.  You can find this system at luggage stores, but I usually get mine at The Container Store.  Although the timing of this post is way late or way early, depending on how you look at it, The Container Store has a travel organization sale every May and June.  I have just invested in one set of the Pack System each year until I had a set for everyone in the family.  I use the Medium Pack-It Folder, the Pack-It Cube, and the Pack-It Tube Cube.  I just include the cost of this purchase in my vacation budget for the year.

I will show you how it works and why I love it so much!

1. I pick out all the clothes I need for the trip, sorting them by outfits, and placing them around the edge of my bed, like this:


2. I arrange the clothes in the order I plan on wearing them.  This takes some thought, but makes unpacking every day so much easier.

3.  I start with the last item I plan on wearing, and I place it in the Pack-It Folder first.


4.  Then I fold and place all the other outfits in the folder from what I will wear last to what I will wear first.


5.  I close up the folder with all my clothes inside.  When folded correctly, the Folder really does minimize wrinkling.


6.  I place all my undies, pjs and swimsuit in the Pack-It Cube and my socks and extras in the Pack-It Tube Cube.


7.  Now I am ready to place everything in my carry-on suitcase.  I tried several different arrangements to fit everything in the most efficiently (this changes from time to time depending on what I am bringing).


I put my shoes on the sides of the bottom of the suitcase with the Pack-It Cubes in the middle.  I folded my jacket on top of those items and placed the Pack-It Folder on top.

8.  Here is a list of what I fit in a carry-on rolling suitcase:

1 Dress

2 Pairs of Capris

1 Pair of Jeans

1 Skirt

3 Pairs of Shorts

7 Tops

1 Jacket

Undies for 7 days



Tennis Shoes


Wow!!  It always amazes me!  It also helps me to avoid overpacking…something I have a tendency to do…..

On our vacation this summer, Sweetums and I shared a large suitcase and, with our Pack-It System, fit everything for a 9 day vacation with room to spare!

Now for the benefits of a system like this:

1.  You can take the Pack-It System pieces out of your suitcase and place them in drawers in your hotel room.  Your clothes stay clean and organized this way:


Then, each morning, you just grab the outfit on top and close the folder.

2.  Last year, we rented an RV (it was a blast).  We put our emptied suitcases in the storage area of the RV and each of us placed our Pack-It System in a separate cabinet inside the RV.  Everything stayed clean and organized and we knew exactly where everyone’s clothes were at all times.

3.  The Pack-It Cubes are great to put one day’s clothes in to take to the showers if you are camping or if your child is at camp.  The Cube has a handle on it that can be hung up in the shower area.

Now I’m all packed a ready to go!!  In my next post, I’ll discuss tips that we use to actually manage the luggage on the trip and all those dirty clothes that accumulate.

What have I missed, when it comes to packing, that would help you?