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Organizing the Chaos… an Effective and Efficient Packing System, Part 1

One of the most difficult tasks in actually getting ready to travel…whether for a weekend or 2 weeks…is creating a system to effectively and efficiently pack all that stuff!

More than 10 years ago, I came up with a system to do all that, especially when packing for my kids.  The only investment you need is a bunch of gallon size ziplock bags….

Here is the plan….

1.  Figure out how many days worth of clothes you need.  Then grab shirts, pants, undies and socks for your boys.  For your girls get shirts, pants, undies, socks and accessories (rubber bands, headbands, bows, barrettes, etc) for each day.

2.  I then lay out plies on my bed…one for each day.  For Skywalkah, for our vacation in June, it looked like this….

Ts clothes laid out

I have each outfit around the edge of the bed with a pile of socks and a pile of undies in the center.  I also have a separate pile for pjs and swimsuits.

3.  Then I grab a ziplock bag, a pile of clothes and a pair of undies and socks and slide it in the bag like this….

Ts clothes in bag

One hint…do not zip the bag closed.  It makes the next step easier.

4.  Once every pile of clothes is in a bag, I stand the opened bags up in a suitcase like this….

Ts clothes in suitcase

From trial and error, I have learned that standing the bags up saves more space and works better on the unpacking end than laying the bags flat.

5.  Lastly, I take swimsuits and pjs and put them in other pockets in the suitcase.  There have been times when I used a suitcase that didn’t have other pockets.  In those times I would have made a ziplock of swim attire and a ziplock of pjs.  Extra shoes can just go anywhere you have extra space.

6.  Zip up the suitcase and you are ready to go!

So…what is the benefit of packing your child’s clothes like this?  There are several….

1.  If someone else (spouse, grandparent, other family member or friend) will be getting your child dressed, they have everything they need in order to have a complete outfit that matches.

2.  The child can dress themselves without destroying everything in the suitcase.  Just tell them to grab a bag and get dressed.

3.  If you are staying at a hotel for a few days or more, you can take the bags and place them in drawers.  Then, you don’t have to worry how clean the drawers are.

4.  If you have extremely messy clothes, you have a place to put them so that the clean clothes stay clean.

5.  It also works great when you send your child to camp.  I always had an idea of what they did and didn’t wear.  Sometimes more bags came back with clothes still in them than empty.  That’s a totally different issue, though!  🙂

Emily loved this system so much that when her clothes wouldn’t fit into a gallon size bag, I “splurged” on bigger bags to encourage her organization!

In complete honesty, I started this system so that I could make sure that Emily and JoeJack matched everyday.  I needed to make sure that they looked good for photos.  (Does that surprise anyone that I would do that….yeah, probably not).  I would label the outside of the bag with a day of the week.  That way we would just grab all the “Tuesdays” and get everyone dressed.  Then when skywalkah joined us, I did the same for him.  This photo was taken in Washington DC in May, 2006.  The kids had to wear red, white and blue!  What can I say?????

Kids matching in DC

In separate posts, I will discuss how I pack Sweetums and my clothes and how to organize suitcases depending on the type of trip you are taking.  🙂

Do you have a great tip for packing suitcases for your kids?


Jumping in to an intentional life….in our travels

Kids jumping in monterreyWell…I’ve finally done it.  Sweetums and I have been talking and praying about this blog/website for a long time…more than a year.  And today….I did it….I started the blog.  I pray that I will be able to provide great information for you about what has worked well for us…and what has not worked so well.  One thing I know for sure….I love to travel.  It is my absolute favorite past time.  I love to research and plan for trips.  I take planning very seriously.  I want to be a great steward of the time and money God has blessed us with so that the trips will be fun, within budget and memorable!

We want our kids to see all 50 states before they graduate from high school.  This usually surprises people!  The first question I always get asked is “So….How many states have y’all visited?”  Followed closely by, “What states are left?” Well, I have an Excel spreadsheet for that!  🙂  (For those who know me well, this will come as no surprise).  I keep track of all the states and the month and year we first visited them.  Here is our current tally along with the yet to be visited states….

Sweetums 48 (Alaska and North Dakota)

Me 46 (Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky, and North Dakota)

Emily and JoeJack 44 (Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Montana, and North Dakota)

Skywalkah 31 (Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming)

Here is my spreadsheet if you want to use it for your family too!  State Analysis

As you can tell, we traveled quite a bit before Skywalkah came along, but we have plenty of time for him to catch up!  🙂

Why?  Why even try to accomplish something like this?  We want to expose our kids to all the beauty and geographic diversity this country can provide.  God has created so many incredible places on this continent alone.  We want to build lasting memories with our children…time away from the hustle of daily life.

We are trying to live lives that are intentional.  Intentional in worship to God…intentional in day to day activities….intentional in our major family activities. Time passes so quickly.  We want to make the most of it.


How intentional is the life your family leads?